stone of china

pierres decoratives de chine



pierres de chine




有南北二源,南源马尾河,又称龙头江,源出贵州省都匀县云雾山鸡冠岭;北源重安江,又称诸梁江,源出贵州麻江县平越间大山。沅江以南源为主干,两源在三汊河口交汇后称清水江,先后流经台江、剑河、锦屏、天柱等县,再东流经黔阳县托口镇与渠水汇合,始称沅水,全长1033 公里。沅江在湖南境内流长568公里,其中怀化地区流长446公里,经托口、黔城(沅河乡、江市镇)、洪江、安江(秀洲乡、沙湾乡、岔头乡)、怀化(铜湾乡)、溆浦、辰溪、泸溪、沅陵,出怀化后经桃源、常德注入洞庭湖。





                 人工湖石; 别墅庭院园林奇石


地址: 长沙市湖湘艺术品大市场10栋23号
QQ号:1004952422   电话:18229934882  15580748329 
联系人: 柳利如女士

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The Feng Shui Effect of stone



Since the ornamental stone as collectibles, ornamental stones around the heat in already hasten peak, fine ornamental stone as no ground for blame natural works of art, collectors are most recognized; ornamental stones aesthetic elements and discusses many senior stone masters from form, quality, color, lines and clear, stubborn, ugly, humble and do a lot of discuss. Ornamental stone selection standard also by China Ornamental Stone Association has given the definition. The ornamental stones form different, tough texture, color beautiful, Wen Qing, and style, charm, meaning the inner and appearance, is to the human mind and the natural environment to the beauty of nature.

Ornamental stone natural art and relation to the environment, the ornamental stone in the home and community gardens and the big environment and the overall environment how to coordinate and integrate, how the adoption of ornamental stones in the home life and community gardens in position with the natural mercy, so that people feel soul comfort to physical and mental health and the ideal purpose. This is another function of ornamental stone. It is some Feng Shui stone.

Chinese Feng Shui, is an ancient culture with Oriental features. Chinese Feng Shui to astronomy, geography, ecology, planning, construction and so on, is a kind of simple and natural science, is our ancestor day concept, by geography, humanities, constantly sum up out of a true wisdom. Feng Shui theory is on the river, and Luoshu, five lines, gossip and easy to culture as the basis, to explore and seek a balance of yin and Yang, heaven and five rows of reinforce each other, so that the arrangement of object conforming to nature. It contains natural knowledge, philosophy, geography, astronomy; collection of meteorological, medical, psychological, folk and other natural science and life experience, through building layout, orientation adjustment, space division, to comply with the nature, use and transformation of natural, selection and create a suitable for people's physical and mental health and behavioral needs good environment. With the times in life experiences to moderate " after the former high-low " as the best home relief, the " mountain, water, sun " as the best natural range, etc.. Chinese Feng Shui is a broad and profound knowledge, involving the face is too wide. Here, only talk about ornamental stones and Feng Shui Association and action.

I am used to the pure natural ornamental stones called Kistler, the pure natural Kistler is a life, as long as it is not saved before it is information, because it belongs to which it will wait for, waiting for its owner, but a stone edge.

And the stones in Feng Shui practice is a symbol Zhenfa many a door, it is town of fierce Hwange, such as dance, kylin, toad, dragon and Phoenix and other stones are auspicious meaning, to the birth of fortune. Here, I only hill stone with five line as an example the relationship between the selection and arrangement of orientation about stone. Hill stone first look at the mountains, from a mountain peak, a peak, with peaks and mountain peaks, streams, valleys, hills, mountains, platform, slope, such as the concept of its momentum, judge good or ill luck. Hill type according to shape and Ma'anshan, jade mountain, a few mountain, Shuangfeng mountain, Beacon Hill, and so on; gable winding and and traditional Chinese dragon sources, Feng Shui in the mountains as mountains that dragon, dragon, and its potential for its shape, the second, the hill stone as a reality in Zhongshan veins of the microcosm, rundown without potential evil shape is not taken, no skin undisguised die shape is not taken, surrounded by poly gas water Kyrgyzstan, continuous winding prioritize quality need. Hill type according to five lines divided into the wood mountain, fire mountain, the mountain, water and soil mountain mountain, in the shape of the mountain view of morphology according to five ranks: round head straight for the wood type, pointed head foot flat fire shape, round head, foot wide golden shape head for water waves, life form, head flat body show for soil profile. Secondly, to understand the five rows represent the many meanings, five row refers to water, wood, fire, earth, metal; the " orderly Aioi, a g ". Five elements and the orientation and relationship and moral is colored black South North water, fire red, Oriental belongs to wood for the blue, the West belongs to gold is white, yellow soil in central. So choosing hill stone its shape and color and position and in the five row of position and color matching is appropriate. Five and five zang organs is the relationship between the kidney belongs to water main bone, liver is a main rib, heart will veins, and belongs to the soil main muscle, lung is a gold main leather. So choosing hill stone color and visceral physical health and fit, understanding of the five elements and the five party, colored, and viscera hill stone five forms, understanding the correspondence between, then according to the selection of stone and reinforce each other. Specific control can also be acquired gossip from four on launch of five lines of water, wood, fire, earth, metal in which communication, house can also be acquired gossip range launch is a genus of East or west house house. Such as wood lives or shock a trigram one east house belongs to the wood to put water mountain or wood mountain, placed gold mountain type Kistler, because aquatic trees and Jin Kemu. In this way the other boat and house the trigrams in five rows and reinforce each other put appropriate gable stones. At the mercy of stones can also be placed in a fierce fierce town such as angle and roof straight orientation, and can also be placed in the lucky Weiwang Ji as his guitar to suit one's measures to local conditions, can be. Relationship between five lines and Kang by and back room, too large can not be placed too small stones, the room is too small to put large stones, and display will appear excessive multiplication and back, and the old man and the child 's room and the girls room should not be placed too much black stone, black is a cold color evil heavy, while the old man, the child and the woman Yang deficiency. From the Chinese point of kidney function not good person surface blackening, the room is unfavorable put black stone. After about in short to achieve appropriate and balanced, so that the mental and the environment to achieve with the natural harmony. The stones placed according to the principles of Feng Shui integrated balance, because of the person, to achieve perfection purpose.

More than just illustrate one stone Feng Shui, Chinese Feng Shui is several thousand years of tradition of the ancient Chinese culture, it is fulfilled with a certain probability, after so many historical changes, can still be inherited and there are a lot of people study and use it, will have its value of existence. This suit, I hope more stone game player, in the stone culture fusion of Chinese traditional culture, so that the stone culture with Chinese characteristics.



       而奇石在风水学诸多的法门中属符镇法一门,它可镇凶旺吉,如象貔貅、麒麟、金蟾、龙凤等奇石都是吉祥的寓意,可催生旺财。在此,我仅以山型石与五行的关系为例说说奇石的选择及排布方位。山型石首先看山势,从山的主峰、次峰、配峰及岭、嶂、涧、谷、岗、峦,平台、坡脚等观其气势、判断吉凶。山型按外形又有马鞍山、玉几山、华盖山、双峰山、笔架山、等等; 山形蜿蜒又与中华传统的龙有渊源,风水学中把山当作龙,山脉即龙脉,取其势为上,其形次之,把山型石看成是现实中山脉的缩影,破败无势恶形不取,无皮露骨死形不取,环抱聚气含水为吉,蜿蜒连绵主次分明为上等极品。把山型按五行分为木形山,火形山,金形山、水形山和土形山,观其形可把山的形态按五行列为:头圆身直为木形,头尖足平为火形,头圆足阔为金形,头平生浪为水形,头平体秀为土形。其次,再了解五行代表的诸多意义,五行是指水、木、火、土、金;其“顺次相生,隔一相克”。五行与方位和五色的关系及寓意是北方属水为黑色,南方属火为赤色,东方属木为青色,西方属金为白色,土在中央为黄色。所以选山型石其形状和颜色与摆放位置要与五行中的方位及颜色相配合为宜。五行与五脏的关系是肾属水主骨,肝属木主筋,心属火主脉,脾胃属土主肌,肺属金主皮。所以选山型石的颜色与身体内脏健康又要相适宜,了解了五行与五方、五色、五脏和山型石的五种形态、参悟出对应关系,再根据相生相克进行选石和摆布。具体摆布也可按后天八卦从四拄里推出人属五行水、木、火、土、金中的哪种命相,宅也可按后天八卦方位推出是属东四宅还是西四宅。如木命的人或震位巽位的东四宅属木宜摆放水形山或木形山,不宜摆放金形山型奇石,因为水生木而金克木。以此方法人的其他命相和宅的卦位按五行及相生相克摆放适当的山形奇石。奇石摆布也可放在凶位镇凶如房角和屋脊直冲的方位等,也可放在吉位旺吉如自己的吉向,可因地制宜。五行之间的关系还有亢乘和反悔,房间过大不能摆太小的石头,房间过小不宜摆过大的石头,反之摆放会出现亢乘和反悔,还有老人和小孩的房间及女孩的房间不宜摆黑色过多的石头,黑色属冷色阴气重,而老人、小孩和女人阳气不足。从中医角度肾功能不好的人面发黑,其房间更不宜放黑色石头。前后左右总之要达到相宜与平衡,从而使心理和环境达到顺应自然的和谐。对奇石的摆放要依据风水原理综合平衡,因地因人制宜,达到至善目的。

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stone of china






stone of china

pierre decorative de chine



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